Functional Medicine SF utilizes many features that are designed to make your overall experience as a patient simpalier, one of these is our integration with our preferred supplement fulfillment partner

This integration is accomplished by a json web api.

This integration will automatically create your user profile at You will receive a welcome email from NutrimentRx with your user login information.

We utilize this API integration to simplify your supplement needs experience. You are never obligated to purchase any of the supplements but what is recommended by your provider at Functional Medicine SF will automatically be added to your account in NutrimentRx. All you have to do is login and check out.

Your PHI (Personal Health Information) is not sent to NutrimentRx. NutrimentRx does not receive any of your medical information. The NutrimentRx API is setup to encrypt all data recieved:only receive your: first name, last name and email address, as well as the suggested supplements. All other personal identifying information is deleted.

As a patient of Functional Medicine SF you understand, acknowledge and agree to the Terms and Conditions of this integration.

You can request to have your profile removed from the integration at anytime, but you would forfeit the ability to use any discount coupons, membership deals; ect.

Any questions about NutrimentRx can be sent to